E. John Deleveaux

Portrait of E. John Deleveaux by Melissa Alcena

E. John Deleveaux is behind this nation’s most enduring (and endearing) slogan – “It’s better in the Bahamas”.

John Edward Cox

Portrait Photograph of John Edward Cox by Guilden Gilbert

Contemporary artist John Cox is amongst a breed of artists responsible for redefining “Bahamian art”.

Frankie Adderley

Frankie Adderly photographed by Rashad Penn

Martial Arts Grandmaster Frankie Adderley was the first Bahamian to achieve the rank of Grandmaster. He is widely respected for his teaching style and his devotion to his students. The Cosmopolitan Florida Hall of Fame inductee has more than 40 years in martial arts and 10 degrees under his belt. Grandmaster Adderley has been given… Continue reading Frankie Adderley

Flo Miller

Portrait Photograph of Flo Miller by Roland Rose

Fashion Model, Model Agency Entrepreneur Flo Miller set new trends back in the 60s and early 70s as Nassau’s premier and prime model. She commanded the runway and was in high demand for upscale events. Later, she opened her own model agency, and coordinated fashion shows. These days, she resides for half the year in… Continue reading Flo Miller

Errol ‘Duke’ Strachan

Portrait of Errol 'Duke' Strachan by Vado Culmer

Musician Born in Acklins in 1932, Errol Strachan became interested in singing around the age of 11. Over the years he was a tailor, mechanic, carpenter and taxi driver but singing and music was always his passion. His singing career got started when the late Freddie Munnings opened his band to Errol. Largely self-taught, Errol… Continue reading Errol ‘Duke’ Strachan