Phillip A. Rahming

Author, Composer of The Pledge of Allegiance

Rev. Dr. Philip A. Rahming is a Bahamian religious leader and author. 

As a child, Rev. Rahming nurtured his love for religion and gospel service at Baptist Sunday School where his grandfather was Superintendent. He began his schooling at Sandilands Public School in Fox Hill, his hometown. 

A graduate of Calabar Theological College in Kingston, Jamaica, Rev. Rahming was ordained and installed as pastor of Kemp Road Mission Baptist in 1965. Two years later, Rev. Rahming was appointed chaplain to the Bahamas House of Assembly. 

In 1977, he served as president of the Bahamas Christian Council and, in 1979, he welcomed his Holiness Pope John Paul II to the Bahamas. 

Rev. Rahming was honoured by Her Majesty Queen Elizabth II as an Officer of the Empire, OBE in 2018 and is a Justice-of-the-Peace.

As a boy, Philip always had a love for service and a determination to become outstanding in something. 

Rev. Dr. Rahming wrote the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, as well as the National Song: God Bless Our Sunny Clime. This song was the first runner up to the National Anthem written by the Rt. Hon. Timothy Gibson. At the time of composition, in February 1970, he was a student at Southern Baptist Theologist Seminary, Louisvill, Kentucky.